IBMJunkman Site Portal

About this site

This site is a visual and written log of the punched cards I have collected. Most of it is IBM but there are things from companies long forgotten and probably never really known in the USA.

Most of these cards came from that spawn of the devil, ebay. I also use ebay from other countries.

In the last couple of years I have also found cards on Etsy.

One benefactor from England, Simon Barratt, donated 1083 cards which more than doubled the size of the punch card collection (at the time) for only the price of shipping.
Thank you, Simon.

As of now (3/9/2025) I have been retired for 4370 days! When I retired people asked me what I planned on doing. I planned to update and maintain this site, of course!
The collection is up to date. A major push in 2024 was to catch up on updating the collection.

The card collection is always being updated as I get new cards. The database currently has 6444 cards on display. While I admit there may be some true duplicates most of what appear to be duplicates are not. Corner type, cut location, manufacturer name location, card number location, punched or not, interpreted or not among other fields actually break the duplicate attribute. Click here to view the site.

Thanks to Jay Chow, 1401 Restoration Project and the Computer History Museum for the 1403 font used on the search results page.

Page maintained: 2024/10/20